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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Vicedomine, absolutely very rare, it is Campano, Vicedomini is well diffused in Neapolitan and Salerno, Vicedomino is practically unique, Vicidomini is the most widespread and is specific of Neapolitan and Salernitano, Visdomini, very rare seems ligure, All these surnames should derive from the fact of being the founder of a high medieval official, that is a real aide of the feudal or bishop, with the term visdominus was normally identified the secular officer commander of the armed, Who was acting on behalf of the bishop and who, in some cases, was also a magistrate, the word derives from the Late Latin vicedominus (the one who replaces the feudal lord, his right armrest), of this title we have an example in this writing of medieval times Of the year 768: "... Sed et Vicedominus, dictus qundam Massiliensis Iudex, qui sub Patricio provinciae ius dicebat, sic ut ab EO ad Patricium provocatio esset, Guesnaius... ".

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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