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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Zurolo and specific of Castellammare di Stabia in the Neapolitan, would like to deal with an archaic form of the surname Zurlo, you would like to be typical of the peninsular meridian, but it also has a fence in the padovano, a dictionary of Zurolo anichichè Zurlo, we had an example of Solofra in a testament from 1533: "Item, before we start prelegal and lasso at the dictum magnifico messere Dominico mio caro nepote the whole hospital my cum tavern and room which I have I possed cum cortiglio gaifo and other reasons and allivogliano acts in the complicated decision of earth, iuxta li Moreno's pot mast, Baptista Caropriso, Francisco Ronca et del magnifico signore Joanne Zurolo et altri de la quale taberna et other soi habitatiuni sopto et supra astraco dicto messere ... ", potrebbero is of Greek origin and will derive from modifications of Greek name ??? (Zoe), the trace of this cognition is in a 1369 testament: "In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi Anno nativitate eiusdem millesimo trecentesimo sexagesimo nono Regnante autem Serenissima domina nostra domina Johanna dei gratia Hierusalem et Sicilie Regina ducatus Apulie Principatus Capue Provincie et forcalquerij ac Pedemontis Comitesse Regnorum vero eius anno bicesimo seventh congratulator Amen Die secundo mensis februarii septime Inditionis Neapoli Nos Georgius Aycardi de Benevento Reginalis Camere ballictus Nicolaus Thorij dicti mancini di casale Sancti Laurentii de Limata publicus ubilibet per totum Regnum Sicilie Reginal aucthoritate notarius I will test you below as a useful tool, ad hoc specialty bites and roommates Videlicet dominus Tuccillus Zurulus de Neapoli Miles Reginalis Senescallus hosts ... ", in the beginning of 1400 I found the baron of Angri Giovanni Zurlo CEO Luigi III of Angiò al throne of Naples, in the same period il ca sato degli Zurlo annotes the title of Count of Nocera. Integrations supplied by Giovanni Vezzelli Zurlo and cognome present in Calabria, Puglia and Naples, which is surely the origin of the Greek 'zurlós' = matto.

Bibliographic source' "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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