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  4. Rastros Heráldicos Mangilli

Apellido: Mangilli

Dossier: 2256
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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Idioma del texto: Italiano
Nobleza: Marchesi - Nobili
Nobles en:Italia
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Corona de la nobleza MangilliBy resolution of 7 January 1661, the Council of Udine accepted the brothers Benedetto and Girolamo qm into popular citizenship. Lorenzo Mangilli, originally from Monte Marenzo in the valley of S. Martino in the Bergamasco, who for over seven years had opened a shop of cloths and linen in Udine. A subsequent resolution of 1677 conferred citizenship on their grandson Lorenzo qm. Gio. Batta Mangilli, pure linen merchant, from which the Marquis Mangilli family still flourishing. A brother of Lorenzo, named Martino, his partner in the shop, in 1691 split from him and went to settle in the village of Povoletto (Udine), where his descendants became confused in the people. Gio. Batta, son of Lorenzo, who retired from the trade, who had procured him a substantial substance, asked in 1752 to be joined to the nobility of Udine, what was granted to him by resolution of March 27 of that year. He purchased the beautiful Antonini palace in Borgo Grazzano, and several estates in Marsura and Mortegliano. In 1776 the Venetian Senate had suppressed the ancient abbey of Moggio with a decree issued since September 2, 1773, and placed the fief on March 5, 1777 which was joined to the jurisdiction in the first instance, a voice in the Parliament of the Fatherland, and the "spicy" title of Marquis of S. Gallo di Moggio. As many as 22 times the auction was carried out in vain. Finally on January 19, 1778, Messrs Mangilli of Udine and Leoni, citizens of Venice, presented together, for just half, an offer of 44,000 ducats, which was judged convenient and accepted. And on February 4, 1778 Francesco and Giuseppe qm. Gio. Batta Mangilli and their grandchildren Gio. Batta and Lorenzo qm. Benedict, they were invested with half of the fief purchased, with the right to attend the sessions of the Parliament of the Fatherland, alternating with their consorts Leoni, remaining on the same date described in the Aureo Libro Titolati with the title of marquises of S. Gallo di Moggio. This family entered into alliances with several noble families, such as the Romano, Toppo, Janis, ...

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Blasón Mangilli

Escudo de la familia Mangilli

1. Escudo de la familia: Mangilli
Idioma del texto: Italiano

Troncato con la fascia di azzurro sulla partizione, carica di tre stelle di sei raggi d'oro; al primo di argento al giglio d'oro, cucito; al secondo di rosso a due branche di leone d'oro strappate, decussate, le unghie in alto.

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Escudo de la familia Mangilli

2. Escudo de la familia: Mangilli
Idioma del texto: Italiano

Partiro di azzurro e di rosso, a tre steli gigliati d'oro, disposti a ventaglio e congiunti in punta. Lo scudo avvollato ad un trofeo d'armi.

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