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  4. Rastros Heráldicos Kennedy

Apellido: O'Kennedy

Dossier: 600799
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.
Idioma del texto: English
Nobleza: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobles en:England (The British Isles)
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Corona de la nobleza OThe surname O'Kennedy of Scottish and Irish originThe name is an anglicised form of the Gaelic name O'Cinneidigh 'descendant of Cinneidigh',a personal name derived from 'ceann' head and 'eidigh' armoured.The name thus meant literally 'helmented head',but was also apparently a byname for someone with an ugly or deformed head.Many present day Kennedys claim to descend from Brian Boru,the greatest of the kings of independant Ireland,who was killed at Clontarf in 1014 during the battle which finally destroyed the power of the Norsemen (or Danes as they are often called).The Scottish Kennedys became very powerful as this seventeenth century rhyme makes clear:" 'Twixt Wigton and the toun of Ayr,Portpatrick and the Cruives of Cree,No man needs think for to bide there,Unless he courts with a Kennedie".The name Kennedy brings to the mind of every American a feeling of patriotism and pride in ones country;in memory of the thirty-fifth president of the United States of America,John F.Kennedy (1917-63) laid low by the asassins bullet ; the first Irish president of America.The surname came into being in the eleventh century as O'Cinneide,which was later anglicised as O'Kennedy.The name was brought to America by Sottish and Irish immigrants.One of the first fore fathers to bring this name to America is that of a Alexander Kennedy,who came to America aboard the Baltimore Packet;he settled in Maryland.This name is the one hundred and third most common surname in America. ...

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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.

Blasón O'Kennedy

Escudo de la familia Kennedy

1. Escudo de la familia: Kennedy
Idioma del texto: English

Argent on a chevron gules between three crosses crosslet fitchée sable a fleur-de-lis argent. Crest-A dexter hand holding a dagger proper. Motto-Avise la fin.

Blazon Kennedy from England

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  1. Las Rastros Heráldicos es un dossier hecho por una I.A. útil como punto de partida para investigadores y heráldicos apasionados y confirma que hay información para trabajar y es posible ordenar un documento heráldico.
  2. Las variaciones de apellidos son frecuentes y se derivan principalmente de actos involuntarios como errores de traducción o inflexiones dialectales o de actos voluntarios como intentos de escapar de la persecución o adquisición de títulos y propiedades de otras familias.
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