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  4. Rastros Heráldicos Zara

Apellido: Zara

Dossier: 4787
Tipo:Dossier Heráldicos
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  • El escudo de armas será revisado y, si es necesario, rediseñado en estricto cumplimiento de las reglas heráldicas por nuestros expertos.
Idioma del texto: Italiano
Nobleza: Nobili - Patrizi - Signori
Nobles en:Italia (Marche - Lazio)
El país o región del expediente se refiere principalmente a los lugares donde la familia fue adscrita a la nobleza y pueden ser diferentes a los de residencia.

Dossier Heráldicos :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Corona de la nobleza ZaraThe origin and nobility of this family is very ancient. Existing documents show that, in 1300-1400, members of the family held positions and offices of the highest dignity at that time. Cradle of the fam. it was Dalmatia, from which region, precisely by necessity of the offices and offices that its members held, it passed to Germany, Bavaria, Austria, France, while always maintaining high honor for its homeland, Italy . After the political events that afflicted Italy for many centuries, he returned here and settled permanently, taking up residence in the Marche. Among the noble families of this region, we find its name marked for over four centuries; as well as in documents dating back to the ninth century; but his fame began to emerge more in the historic wars between the Venetian and Genoese republics. Zanin and his son Bernardo took part in the war of Chioggia in 1379, and profuseed their wealth and shed their blood conquering the title of nobles of the Serenissima. In the peace made on June 9, 1380 we find among the legates of the various cities and republics Giorgio Zara Zanin and his son took part in the Chioggia war in 1379 and profuseed their wealth and shed their blood, winning the title of nobles of the Serenissima Republic. In the peace made on June 9, 1380 we find among the legates of the various cities and republics Giorgio Z. Pietro, another son of Zanin, at the request of Wenceslaus, of Bohemia, was chosen by the Venetian republic for the command of the Bohemian armies; having already given proof of his worth and being the most expert of the leaders, he was appointed by Wenceslaus himself, the supreme leader of the militias. In short, the name of Pietro Zara rose so high that Austria called him to him, offering him honors and dignity. Since then the rise of this family began; the descendants of that first stock conquered, at the Austrian Court, the highest offices and the most excellent offices. These, in fact, were decorated with numerous and distinguished chivalric orders, invested with ...

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Blasón Zara

Escudo de la familia Zara

1. Escudo de la familia: Zara
Idioma del texto: Italiano

Troncato: nel primo d'argento al pegaso di nero galoppante; nel secondo d'azzurro al giglio di Francia, d'argento.

Blasone della famiglia Zara nobile in Roma e Marche. Fonte: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. SPRETI" vol VIII p.682.

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