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Dossier: 18134
Tipo: Vista previa heráldica y genealógica


Nobleza: Baroni
Nobles en:
Italia (Sicilia)
Variaciones Apellido:
Buonaccolti, Buonacolsi
Idioma del texto: English

Vista previa heráldica y genealógica
(Buonaccolti, Buonacolsi)


Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch

I cannot praise Mario Equicola Writer of Mantua's things, the Buonaccolti family, over Buonacolsi, and Buonacosi, and his ancient nobility. Mantua was after the Imperial regiment ruled by Teobaldo Conte di Canosa, who was elected by Ottore according to Imp. In the government followed his son Bonifatio, who died without having left offspring; for he governed his wife Beatrice, who was a prudent woman. After Beatrice's death, the Countess Matilda, the sister of the aforementioned Bonifatio, took over the regiment. Cavalier called Sardello, descended from the Visconti, using liberality, and loving-kindness with the peoples, was from those received by the Lord, and ruled until 1174. After his death Mantua remained for the spatio of 100 years under the annual Regiment. In 1275. due to the great revolutions that took place in that city due to competition from many powerful families, the peoples elected the body of the nobility à Pianamonte Buonaccolsi, and Ottonello di Zenacalli; But Zenacalli having been made to die by order of Buonaccolsi, only the whole government remained with him, which was very happy with those peoples. It took dominion after the death of Pianamonte, which followed in 1289. Bardellono his son, who made a very bad revenge, so that he was chased away with his brother by Botticella Buonaccolti zealous knight, and of authority, who ruled until 1308. After his death succeeded Passarino his brother cavalier of great courage, but waiting all the way to increase the dominion, he was killed in the middle of the square by Luiggi Gonzaga under zeal to free up the city. This was Luiggi one of the nobles, and powerful citizens of that, descended from a Cavalier Alemanno, called Gonzaga, who had passed there with the Lombards, and liking him I cannot dominate, leaving aside the good zeal to keep

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(Buonaccolti, Buonacolsi)

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Blasòn de la familia

D'argento, alla fascia di rosso, cimata da una testa di porco al naturale, sormontata da una crocetta di rosso.

Fonte Bibliografica: "Teatro Genologico delle Famiglie Nobili Titolate Feudatarie ed Antiche Nobili del fidelissimo Regno di Sicilia viventi ed estinte" del S.Don Fialdelfio Mugnos, Palermo 1647.


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