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Nachname: Sclopis

Dossier: 3526
Art:Heraldische Dossiers
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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.
Sprache des Textes: Italiano
Adelsstand: Nobili
Adel in:Italia
Das Land oder die Region des Dossiers bezieht sich hauptsächlich auf die Orte, an denen die Familie dem Adel zugeschrieben wurde, und kann sich von denen des Wohnsitzes unterscheiden.

Heraldische Dossiers :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch
Krone des Adels SclopisVery ancient family, who came to Giaveno at the end of the fifteenth century from Pinerolo, Piossasco, Caselette and Volvera, where it was widely branched. Already at the end of the sixteenth century living in conditions of civilization as is proven by the license with which the Duke of Savoy, approving and confirming, on November 2, 1625, the noble weapon to the brothers Vincenzo, Matteo, Gio. Michele, Giuseppe and Guglielmo degli Schioppi di Giaveno and their grandchildren Francesco Valentino and Claudio, certifies that they have honorably lived and used the weapon followed: "From the blue to the headband accompanied by three gold stars on the head with a silver sack at the top", with the crest of an armed arm holding a silver sword with his hand, and with the motto: "a tout puissance". The oldest documents that keep from this family remind us of a Giorgio Sclopis, who lived in the mid-1500s, to whom the present and recently disappeared generations are connected with safe genealogical connections. Giorgio was the father, among others, of the venerable Gabriele, who died in the convent of S. Brigida near Moncalieri on May 5, 1570, and Eusebio (dec. May 8, 1586), who was a notary. The latter was the father of Giacomo and Gio. Giorgio. From Giacomo, who was mayor of Giaveno, originated the two branches of the counts of Salerano and of the lords of Brogostura while Gio. Giorgio, who was notary and secretary of Giaveno, is the jamb of the still flourishing branch. Giacomo's son was Giovanni Giorgio, who was mayor and around 1690 moved his home to Turin. He was the father of Giovanni Battista, Giacomo Francesco and Carlo Antonio, the last of which also in the name of his brothers, handed over the noble weapon on September 10, 1687: "Of blue with two blasts that were decussed and leaning against the band double embattled, crossing, all silver; the band full of three stars of the field ": Giovanni Battista (dec. April 23, 1689) married Dorotea Vernone and from these weddings were born: Gio. Giorgio and Alessandro. The latter was infeuded ...

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  • Das Wappen wird von unseren Experten unter strikter Einhaltung der heraldischen Regeln überprüft und ggf. neu gestaltet.

Wappen Sclopis

Wappen der Familie Sclopis

1. Wappen der Familie: Sclopis
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

D'azzurro, a due schioppi d'oro, decussati ed addossati, colla fascia d'argento, doppio merlata, attraversante. Cimiero: Il braccio armato, tenente colla mano di carnagione una spada d'argento posta in sbarra.

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Wappen der Familie Sclopis

2. Wappen der Familie: Sclopis
Sprache des Textes: Italiano

D'argento all'elefante di nero con gualdrappa d'oro, sostenente una torre di nero, torricellata di tre pezzi.

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  1. Die Heraldische Spuren ist ein Dossier, das von einem A.I. nützlich als Ausgangspunkt für Forscher und leidenschaftliche Heraldiker und bestätigt, dass es Informationen gibt, an denen gearbeitet werden kann, und dass es möglich ist, ein heraldisches Dokument zu bestellen.
  2. Variationen von Nachnamen sind häufig und resultieren hauptsächlich aus unfreiwilligen Handlungen wie Übersetzungsfehlern oder dialektalen Beugungen oder aus freiwilligen Handlungen wie Versuchen, der Verfolgung oder dem Erwerb von Titeln und Eigentum anderer Familien zu entgehen
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