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Coat of arms of family
Rigi Luperti

Coat of arms of family Rigi Luperti
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This image is not compliant for sale, if you are interested in buying this coat of arms made in accordance with the color heraldic rules in bitmap or vector format, write an email to
(expected price Image:17.40 $ US, Vector:38.30 $ US. Bundle:55.70 $ US).

Additional information

A bitmap image is a normal high quality .png or.jpg type image that can be used with any PC, telephone, printer, etc. device. It is perfect for logos, prints, business cards, social networks... If you need to print very small things (rings or miniatures) or large (no size limits) we definitely recommend a Vector Image.

See an example of a bitmap Coat of Arms (1000x1000px).

Please note that the images for sale also have other sizes, you can read it above the price.

Image Vector PDF
Size: Limitless

This format is not yet available, if you are interested in purchasing it you can request publication by writing to
(expected price Image:17.40 $ US, Vector:38.30 $ US. Bundle:55.70 $ US).

Additional information

A vector image is a PDF, which can be viewed on screen or printed like any other PDF, the peculiarity is that it can be enlarged or reduced without any limit and never loses quality and does not blur. It adapts to all types of printing, from home to professional printing on materials of any type of size from the head of a pin to the cover of a football field and beyond.

The vector PDF is editable by any vector graphics program and exportable in any other vector format, it contains the objects / layers of all the graphic elements that are all vector.

See an example of a Vector Coat of arms.

This format is not yet available, if you are interested in purchasing it you can request publication by writing to
(expected price Image:17.40 $ US, Vector:38.30 $ US. Bundle:55.70 $ US).

Additional information

The Bundle is obviously the cheapest product, the bitmap image is the simplest to use, the vector is the best for all uses that require very high print quality.

  1. Image

    A bitmap image is a normal high quality .png or.jpg type image that can be used with any PC, telephone, printer, etc. device. It is perfect for logos, prints, business cards, social networks... If you need to print very small things (rings or miniatures) or large (no size limits) we definitely recommend a Vector Image.

    See an example of a bitmap Coat of Arms (1000x1000px).

    Please note that the images for sale also have other sizes, you can read it above the price.

  2. Vector

    A vector image is a PDF, which can be viewed on screen or printed like any other PDF, the peculiarity is that it can be enlarged or reduced without any limit and never loses quality and does not blur. It adapts to all types of printing, from home to professional printing on materials of any type of size from the head of a pin to the cover of a football field and beyond.

    The vector PDF is editable by any vector graphics program and exportable in any other vector format, it contains the objects / layers of all the graphic elements that are all vector.

    See an example of a Vector Coat of arms.

Heraldic Information (Italiano)

Partito semitroncato: nel primo d'argentop alla fascia di rosso accompagnata da tre crescenti di azzurro con le punte volte all'insù, due in capo e una in punta: il tutto abbassato sotto il Capo d'Angiò (Rigi); nel secondo d'azzurro al leone rampante d'oro e tenente nelle branche una spada in palo al naturale accompagnato nel canton destro dello scudo da una stella d'oro (Brancaleoni); nel terzo d'azzurro a un monte di tre cime d'oro all'italiana, ristretto, sormontato da un pino al naturale, accostato da un lupo ramante al naturale e poggiante sulle superiore delle tre cime con le gambe di dietro (Luperti).

Blasone della famiglia Rigi Luperti, fonte: "Enciclopedia Storico-Nobiliare Italiana di V. Spreti" vol. V.