Genealogy, also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. Nowadays, through the records of the civil and religious status, it is possible to go back in time to the most ancient documented progenitor. Genealogy is therefore very important in the noble right, if for example, you want verify the descent from a noble person, but the genealogical documents can be obtained for any family, noble and not.
Only through genealogical research is it possible to determine with certainty the origin and history of a lineage. Each genealogical research requires a capillary work that can only be carried out by scholars and researchers experts in this field.
Therefore Heraldrys Institute of Rome makes use of the most authoritative Genealogical Study in the world that, from over a century, is the only one able to carry out precise and certain genealogical research on families of Italian descent.
The genealogical research should be mostly carried out on site. Therefore the realization of an accurate and certified genealogy is expensive (from 3000 to 6000 €, delivery in 8-12 months). For more information and a personalized quote please email to:
Tel: +39 393 2258835
(orario 10-18)