When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.
Language of the text: Italiano
Nobility: Nobili - Signori - Baroni
Nobles in:Italia (Campania - Sicilia)
The country or region of the dossier mainly refers to the places where the family was ascribed to the nobility and may be different from those of residence
Variations Last name: di Francesco
Variations of surnames are frequent and mainly derive from involuntary acts such as translation errors or dialectal inflections or from voluntary acts such as attempts to escape persecution or acquisition of titles and properties of other families
Une lignée très ancienne et extrêmement noble du glorieux Royaume des Deux-Siciles, d'une vertu très claire et vivante, universellement reconnue sous l'appellation de « De Francesco », « Di Francesco » ou « De Francisco », s'est répandue, au fil des siècles, dans de multiples districts de la péninsule italienne. L'origine d'une lignée aussi illustre se trouve chez un gentilhomme de Capoue, Francesco, qui se distinguait par son ingéniosité et ses exploits fidèles au service de la couronne. En fait, il a été secrétaire à la cour du souverain Carlo le Boiteux et a ensuite occupé le poste honorable de gouverneur de la ville de Sessa sous le règne de Robert d'Anjou. Lorsque Alphonse, roi de Castille, est monté sur le trône, cette illustre maison a déménagé en Sicile, où elle s'est scindée en deux branches célèbres, résidant respectivement dans les villes nobles de Palerme et Messine. Au cours de sa glorieuse histoire, la famille a acquis et détenu de nombreux fiefs et seigneuries de grande valeur, notamment la seigneurie d'Aliano avec son puissant château, Catanna avec ses fermes fertiles et le col de Catona, ainsi ...
This text is an automatic translation of a short heraldic preview, it may contain errors.
When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.
BlazonDe Francesco
Variations Last name: di Francesco
1. Crest of family: De Francesco, De Francisco, Di Francesco
Language of the text: Italiano
Spaccato; nel primo d'azzurro, al delfino d'argento nuotante sopra un mare fluttuoso dello stesso, ombrato di nero, sormontato dell'aquila spiegata d'oro e coronata all'antica; nel secondo d'oro, a tre sbarre di rosso ed una fascia dello stesso in divisa attraversante.
Fonti bibliografiche: "Dizionario storico blasonico delle famiglie nobili e notabili italiane estinte e fiorenti", volume I, meritoriamente compilato dal Commendatore Giovanni Battista di Crollalanza, edito sotto l'egida della direzione del pregiato giornale araldico, nella città di Pisa nell'anno del Signore 1888; "Armorial Général" redatto dal nobile Jean-Baptiste Rietstap - Seconda edizione rifondata e accresciuta - Volume II, lettere L-Z, pagina 1245.
It is possible to do a preliminary research in our archive. About 100,000 heraldic traces, origins of surnames, coat of arms and blazons are available free of charge. Just write the desired last name in the form below and press enter.
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The Heraldic Traces are dossiers made by an A.I. useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists and confirm that there is information to work on and it is possible to order a heraldic document.
Variations of surnames are frequent and mainly derive from involuntary acts such as translation errors or dialectal inflections or from voluntary acts such as attempts to escape persecution or acquisition of titles and properties of other families