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Last name: Imperial

Dossier: 602009
Type:Heraldic dossiers
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.
Language of the text: Portugûes
Nobility: Senhores - Família Nobre
Nobles in:Portugal (Italia)
The country or region of the dossier mainly refers to the places where the family was ascribed to the nobility and may be different from those of residence

Heraldic dossiers :

Nobility crown ImperialEntre as vinte e nove famílias nobres de Génova contrava-se a dos Imperiales, que em 1617 viu elevado à dignidade de doge um dos seus membros, João Imperiale. Deu muitos varões ilustres às armas e às letras, bastantes cardeais e teve o fucado de Santo Ãngelo, no Reino de Nápoles. Reinando D. Manuel I passou a Portugal Agostinho Imperiale, filho de Frederico Imperiale, que me 1529 provou a sua ascendência em documento autêntico, pelo que D. João III lhe mandou registar as suas armas, das quais se lhe passou Carta a 17 de Junho do mesmo ano. Timbre: um anjo sainte, vestido de prata sombreado de púrpura, com um lírio de prata, hasteado de verde, na mão esquerda. ...

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  • This text is a short heraldic preview
  • When you buy a heraldic document a new accurate analysis of the heraldic research will be performed by an expert heraldist and the document will be written in Italian or English.
  • The coat of arms will be checked and, if necessary, redesigned in strict compliance with the heraldic rules by our experts.

Blazon Imperial

Crest of family Imperial

Crest of family
Language of the text: Portugûes

De ouro, flanqueado, em pala, de prata, o ouro carregado de uma águia de negro, estendida, coroada de ouro.

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(Spoken words fly away, written words remain)
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  1. The Heraldic Traces are dossiers made by an A.I. useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists and confirm that there is information to work on and it is possible to order a heraldic document.
  2. Variations of surnames are frequent and mainly derive from involuntary acts such as translation errors or dialectal inflections or from voluntary acts such as attempts to escape persecution or acquisition of titles and properties of other families
  3. All content on this page is distributed under license Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported .