Lopes has a stock in Rome, one in Naples, one in Carapelle (FG), but the main nucleus is Sicilian in Palermo, Syracuse and Scicli (RG), even Lopez probably has more stocks, it is distributed in an important way in Puglia, Calabria and Neapolitan, Lops is typically Apulian, from Bari, Corato, Andria, Trani, Bari and Canosa di Puglia and Foggia and Foggia, all derive from the Spanish surname Lopez, both as a legacy of the Spanish presence as occupation troops, both as surnames of Safardite Jews who fled from Spain, after the edict of expulsion of the Jews of 1492, this surname is a patronymic of the Spanish name Lope, in the case of Lopes and Lopez from Puglia and Lops is more likely a derivation from nicknames originated from Albanian term lopë (cow). hypothesis suggested by Florindo Cerreta LOPEZ (and the LOPS variant) is very often of Albanian origin. The strong presence of this surname in Puglia (see Bari) would be a proof of this origin, being, as today, Puglia, the landing point of the Albanian exiles of centuries ago.
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