Very rare it is typical of the Cosenza area, it should derive from a dialectal variation of the Latin cognomen Petrus. additions provided by Pasquale Lopetrone From a research carried out in the parish registers I was able to ascertain that the surname Lopetrone is an altered surname because the priests added during the 1600s, in their recordings, to the surname PETRONE the article LO, therefore the PETRON of San Giovanni in Fiore became LOPETRONE. I can still document that all those that are called LOPETRONE have origins in San Giovanni in Fiore, since the addition of the prefix (LO) occurred in this town of Cosenza.
Petrone is specific to the central-southern area which includes Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria, Petroni is typical of the central belt that includes Tuscany, Lazio, Marche and Umbria with a strain also in Bologna, Petronio has an important nucleus in Trieste and one in the Catania area, they could derive from the growth of the name Petrus or also from the Roman Gens Petronia, an example of this use is already in the Lombard period in a Charta Dispositionis seu Ordinationis of the year 768: "... Urso qui et gratia Christi uenerabilis presbiter de ordine sancte Marie Cremonensis ecclesie matrix filio bone memoirs illustrious uir, human cogitans uite in oc mundo lauilem cursum ... ".
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