A Heraldic Traces is a dossier prepared by an artificial intelligence program useful as a starting point for researchers and passionate heraldists. The presence of a Heraldic Traces indicates that there is information to draft a heraldic document after carrying out a professional thorough search.You may be interested
Catarin, absolutely rare, is from the Treviso area, Catarini, even more rare, is from the Marche, Abruzzo area, Catarino, almost unique, is from Campania, Caterini has a stock in central Italy between Tuscany, Umbria, northern Lazio and Rome. between Potentino and Cosenza, Cattarin has a stock in the Treviso area at Silea, Treviso, Breda di Piave, Casale sul Sile, Roncade, Villorba, Istrana and Paese, a strain in the Gorizia area at Cormons and Mariano del Friuli and one in Rome, the probable outcome of the Reclamation Pontina, Cattarini has a Trieste stock and a very small one in Pergola in the urban area, Cattarino, very rare, has a small stock in Buia and Tolmezzo in the Udine area, Catterini, absolutely rare, would seem Umbrian, Caterino is very common in Puglia, in Molise, in the Neapolitan and especially in the Caserta area, with a strain also in Rome, Catterino, almost unique, seems to be Molise, should derive from the Germanic name Catherin, male version of the better known Catharina, but in some cases, above all to the south, it could derive from the Greek word katharos (immaculate, neat, pure, shining) falling within the case of names originating from Christian devotion. additions provided by Carlo Caterini the surname Caterini or Caterina originates from the devotion to Santa Caterina d'Alesandria. This family has three noble branches: from Terni, Onano and Vaglio Basilicata. To the noble Caterini family of Onano in the province of Viterbo, belonged cardinal Prospero Caterini cousin of Marcantonio Pacelli, grandfather of the pope Eugenio Pacelli. His coat of arms is depicted in the spelling dictionary by Vittorio Spreti. To the Caterini family of Vaglio Basilicata belonged the noble Maddalena Caterini of Acerenza who married Count Donato Gattini of Matera in 1629: his coat of arms is depicted in the Crollalanza blazon dictionary. the coat of arms of the Caterinis of Terni is depicted in the blasonic dictionary of Crollalanza and Spreti. Numerous personalities belonged to this family who held municipal offices in Terni and owned the fiefdom of Poggio in the Municipality of Otricoli. additions provided by Vito Caterini The Caterini branch developed in the province of Avellino comes from the current province of Foggia and in particular from San Marco in Lamis, where the original surname was Catarina subsequently transformed into Catarini and then from 1840 into Caterini, the origin of it is a Byzantine family and even today there is a city in Greece called Katherini (ed. Katherini is a city located in the Gulf of Tessalonika about 50 km from this city). This Avellino branch has a quartered coat of arms crowned with ducal crowns.
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