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  4. Traços Heráldicos Sauzea du Vivarais et Forez

Sobrenome: Sauzea

Dossier: 660138
Tipo:Dossiês heráldicos
  • Se você comprar um de nossos documentos heráldicos uma nova análise precisa da pesquisa heráldica será realizada por um heráldico especialista e o documento será redigido em italiano ou inglês.
  • O brasão será verificado e, se necessário, redesenhado em estrita observância das regras heráldicas pelos nossos especialistas.
Língua do texto: Français
Nobreza: Nobles
Nobres na:France (Mezenc)
O país ou região do dossiê refere-se principalmente aos locais onde a família foi atribuída à nobreza e podem ser diferentes daqueles de residência.

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Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch  Français
Coroa de nobreza SauzeaIn the last century, one of the descendants of this family, wanting to raise it from the kind of decline into which the misfortune of the times had brought it down, and to replace it in the rank that its ancestors had formerly occupied, had it done, according to some indications that he had obtained, research in the Spanish nobiliaries and in the chancelleries which could provide information. This research informed her that the original name of this family was Auzea, and that, under this name, she had left great memories on the land of Africa before moving to Spain. In this new country, the initial S was added to its name by gentle pronunciation, following the genius of the Spanish language where this letter plays such a beautiful role. She also obtained high jobs there, and one of her younger brothers, named Fernand, went to France following Rodrigue de Villandras to wage the wars of his time and settled in the vicinity of Lyon. come from Spain following Rodrigo de Villandras, followed him in his adventurous expeditions so often recalled in the history of that time. The story of this mixed life would not be without interest if the extent of the facts did not prevent them from being exposed here. It was Fernand de S.'s stay in Annonay that determined his establishment there; only the remoteness of time and especially the devastation and fires which followed the wars of religion, have only allowed a few feudal titles to reach us, the statements of which alone have made known the filiation of the first four generations. A single particular act formally recalls Fernand and Rodrigue his son: it is an act of accommodation granted by Rodrigue de S., who is said to be the son of the late Fernaud de S., passed in the year 1447. , in front of Claude de Chasseriano, notary in Annonay. The lineage of this family thus begins with Fernand who was thus the stock, not of his race, but of the branch established in France. ...

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  • O brasão será verificado e, se necessário, redesenhado em estrita observância das regras heráldicas pelos nossos especialistas.

Brasão Sauzea

Brasão da família Sauzea du Vivarais et Forez

1. Brasão da família: Sauzea du Vivarais et Forez
Língua do texto: Français

D'azur à trois fasces d'or au lion de sable armé et lampassé de gueules brochant sur le tout.

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  1. Os Traços Heráldicos é um dossiê feito por um A.I. útil como ponto de partida para pesquisadores e heráldicos apaixonados e confirma que há informação para trabalhar e é possível encomendar um documento heráldico.
  2. As variações de sobrenomes são frequentes e derivam principalmente de atos involuntários, como erros de tradução ou inflexões dialetais, ou de atos voluntários, como tentativas de escapar da perseguição ou aquisição de títulos e propriedades de outras famílias
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