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  4. Traços Heráldicos Senno

Sobrenome: Senno

Dossier: 16352
Tipo:Dossiês heráldicos
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Língua do texto: Italiano
Nobreza: Nobili
Nobres na:Italia (Veneto)
O país ou região do dossiê refere-se principalmente aos locais onde a família foi atribuída à nobreza e podem ser diferentes daqueles de residência.

Dossiês heráldicos :

Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch  Français
Coroa de nobreza SennoAt first Piran then Koper, the ancient justinopoli twin flowers lying on the redeemed shore of our sea, were the cradle and home of family members, people very versed in the disciplines of civic administrations. Still from 1302 Dominico Senno was present in Piran to a scuffle sentence issued by the podestà Panfratio Justiniano. On 11 August 1335 Papone was already procurator of the municipality of Piran, and his nephew Michele, son of Bernardo, Michael Senno Bernardi, was attached to the noble Council of nearby Koper on 29 May 1400, where in the following year we find another member registered of this Ex Christophurus family; others could have found and documented it if in the registers of that noble council only the councilors to whom the municipality entrusted the public mandates to be fulfilled within the deadline set by the central government of Venice had not been described. For this lack of information we only know that some Senno was a lawyer of the municipality, Advocatus Comunis, Chancellor, Justitarius, Extimator, Francesco Rocco was invested, husband of a Petronius, of the people Petronia oriunda from the Sabines, who transplanted in Istria and rose, after 1500 , in civic and ecclesiastical offices in Piran, and so in other places. In addition to Koper, the family members were included in the old "patriciate" of Piran since the early 1500s. The descendants of the prelates Bernardino, Domenico and Francesco descended from Francesco , nobleman of Piran, coadjutor in Veglia and in Pula, who on September 1, 1734 obtained the qualification to the chanceries of Venice. As early as 1627 Antonio Apollonio, and Zan Pietro of the loyal Community of Piran, wrote to the Ser.mo Principe that sufficient places had been provided to place the salt of which they traded on a large scale in Piran. With Francesco the Senno begin to enter the jobs of the Serenissima. ...

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Brasão Senno

Brasão da família Senno

1. Brasão da família: Senno
Língua do texto: Italiano

D'azzurro all'albero nodrito nel terreno di verde e sinistrato da un cervo d'oro saliente ed appoggiato al medesimo.

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