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Dossier: 14819
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Nobili
Nobili in:
Italia (Emilia Romagna)
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica


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An illustrious and historical Modenese family at the same time, however as Dolfi says in his "Chronology of the noble families of Bologna, with their insignia, and in the end the crests", printed in Bologna by Giovan Battista Ferroni in 1670, coming from Bologna. Whatever centuries had passed in the cities of Emilia, the family is well known to each one, who has some facts about that noble city. While not that the men of this House resided in the ancient times of the main Magistrates of the same, but with their advice and direction the public regiment of that country was reformed several times: The history of this illustrious city is intimately connected to that of the whole Emilia Romagna. In the early thirteenth century when all over Emilia the fractions of the Guelphs and the Ghibellines trembled, which finally led to the lordship, in the serious struggle between the Guelphs Gambacerri first and that of the Malatesta then and the Ghibelline faction of the Omodei and Pareitadi, wars and peaces follow one another with an incredible vertigo. The coat of arms of the Brescelli family is emblazoned: Green, with the golden lion.

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