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Dossier: 641
Tipo: Anteprima araldica

Buatier De Mongeot

Titoli: Marchesi
Nobili in:
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica
Buatier De Mongeot


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In a three-sided seal, from the first half of the 16th century, owned by the family, which is of French origin, there is a monogram of the Real de la Motte Mongeot family in one of the faces, in a second the emblem is engraved with marquis crown and the motto, Immundus cedit honesto; in the third you start a fury, with scattered hair, with open arms in number of three or four, ending in the lower part of the body in fish. Around the legend: "Nec tempora possent". The family, of ancient feudal origin, took different names from the castles owned in France. In an original instrument owned by it from 1516, signed by the Grand Councilor of the Chancellery of Burgundy, we read: "The family of Real B. de Joly is feudal lord of Dijon, of Mont Saint Jean and co-custodian of Montjoly, department of the Costa D ' gold, in Burgundy and at the faculty, admissible in legitimate and natural descendants, to bear the emblem with the Marquis crown. The first of the family who passed from France to Motte Mongeot, born in Dijon on 25 July 1716 and died in Colorno near Parma in January 1785. He covered the position of engineer inspector general of the royal hunts, plantations and fortifications and field horseman with Duke Don Ferdinando of Bourbon. (Sovereign decrees and Role of Provisions in the State Archives of Parma). Maria Champrieux, born in Chambery on October 10, 1741, from which seven children were born, all in Parma. By judgment of February 13, 1777 the Community of Parma recognized the title of no bile to Francesco and his descendants m. and f. (Municipal Archive of Parma, Filza III, N 45). This judgment enumerates the family's distinguished merits, the real estate and the titles it

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Buatier De Mongeot

1. Stemma della famiglia:
Buatier de Mongeot


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Buatier de Mongeot

D'oro al cinghiale passante in seguito ed addentato al dorso da un veltro; il tutto al naturale.


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