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Dossier: 705222
Tipo: Traccia araldica


Titoli: Famille Noble - Chevaliers - Seigneurs
Nobili in:
France (Annonay)
Variazioni Cognome:
Felisale, Felizale
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica
(Felisale, Felizale)


Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch

In 1696 Pierre-André, squire, lord of Meyssonnier, adviser to Roy, ordinary controller of wars, had his arms registered. Weapons attributed by genealogists to the Meyssonnier family from Châteauvieux. Pierre-André, d'Annonay, controller of the wars, was in 1697 relieved of the prosecution of the usurpers of the titles of nobility. Demoiselle Françoise, sister of Pierre-André de Meyssonier, controller of war assigned on August 18, replies that he has been dead for four or five months. Among the Protestant refugees of Vivarais, reused inhabitants of Geneva and the year 1585, we find, in December, Jean, d'Annonay, draper. André drapier is mentioned in the land register of 1590, d'Annonay: he could be the father of Pierre who followed the illustrious Charles de Montchal, archbishop of Toulouse and became his vicar general. Madeleine Dodin, widow of noble Mathieu de Lermuzières, sieur de Chomeisse, made a donation in favor of Messire Pierre, vicar general of Monsignor de Montchal, archbishop of Toulosa, his cousin; the donor wants ten priests to be invited to her funeral, all of whom will celebrate Holy Mass for the rest of her soul and to each of whom her heir will pay twenty cents, etc. Pierre, canon of Saint-Etienne-de-Toulouse, by his will of July 3, 1652, names his sister Madame de Ventouse and a niece Madame Lambert whom he begs to return to the Catholic religion. He donated 300 pounds to the Annonay hospital, as much to the Jesuit mission and 1600 pounds to the trustee of the Catholics to establish a humanities regent in the college founded in Annonay by André de Sauzéa, bishop of Bethlehem. MA Le Soud provides us with some notes taken from the municipal archives of Vals on a branch of this family, which was important in the 17th century in the Protestant world: André married

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