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Dossier: 21824
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Nobili
Nobili in:
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica


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Campanian family, of ancient and noble tradition, which has spread over the centuries in various regions of Italy. The origins of this house are still shrouded in darkness, discussed and disputed between legend and historical hypotheses. It is believed that it originated from Genoa, as a branch of the noble family of the Guarco family who, in ancient times, were often said and written, precisely, Guarro. We have an example of this in the bibliography "Historia dei Princes d'Este" printed in Venice in 1572 in which we refer to an Isnardo Guarro, today remembered with the surname Guarco, as doge of Genoa in the fifteenth century. Even earlier, in the 14th century, a Leonardo de Guarro was the commander of the Genoese fleet in the war against Venice. Subsequently the names of the Guarro are mainly remembered in yearbooks, instructors and contracts for the sale of land and houses, from which their wealth and conspicuous condition can be seen. A Cav. Antonio, a wealthy Neapolitan, who flourished in the eighteenth century, passed to Barcelona where he was among the conspicuous of the city; a Domenico was a notary in Palermo; a canonical Don Felice followed the army in the Spanish countryside of 1808. Such ancient surnames render decoration not only to the families but also to the cities that welcomed them; in fact, it seems that the living subjects of this family are very respectable and support this noble surname, which has had various illustrious subjects, with much decorum.

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