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Dossier: 13632
Tipo: Anteprima araldica

Muti Papazzurri

Titoli: Marchesi
Nobili in:
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica
Muti Papazzurri


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Among the Roman nobles who favored the election of Leo IX (Egesheim 1049-1054) there is a Cencio. Having then multiplied the family, some were called Muti, others Nuti, Capucci, Palombi. In an archive of S. Maria in Via Lata, a Roman is noted in 1148. In 1474 a Paolo son of Carlo Muti married an Antonietta daughter of Saba Muti from the Campomarzo district. There were Muti in the S. Eustacchio district and others in the Pigna district, as shown by an arrangement made between these two families on 23 November 1507. The Muti Papazzurri we are talking about had their palace in the Trevi district near the SS. Apostles. Of this family it is to be noted a Carlo who was Podestà of Velletri in 1453, and then Podestà of Perugia in 1465, Girolamo Conservator of Rome twice, Pompeo son of the said Girolamo bought the fief of Filacciano from the Baldisera family with the marquis title, changed then with the fief of Rignano then of the Borghesi. Among the Conservatories of Rome given by this illustrious family we note Muzio in 1539, Ottavio in 1603, Girolamo in 1639, and others and between Priori dei Caporioni Girolamo in 1793. At the time of the Benedictine Bull this family was counted among the conscripts by means of the his boss Vincenzo who died in Filacciano on 14 September 1779, to whom he succeeded with Senatus Consulto of 18 March 1781 his brother Curzio who died in Rome on 13 October 1797 and in his place came with Senatus Consulto of 11 November said year named his son Girolamo, died Girolamo on December 24, 1810 came with Senatus Consultation of January 12, 1816 appointed his son Raffaele with the death of which this family died out and the surname and titles

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Muti Papazzurri

1. Stemma della famiglia:
Muti Papazzurri


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Blasone della famiglia
Muti Papazzurri

D'argento, a due cinte merlate d'azzurro concentriche bordate interamente d'oro, e acompagnate in cuore da un crescente del secondo.


2. Stemma della famiglia:
Muti Papazzurri


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Blasone della famiglia
Muti Papazzurri


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