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Dossier: 600414
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobili in:
England (Europe)
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica



The surname Peterson can be of English or Scandinavian in origin.The surname signifies the son of Peter.The Norman conquest introduced the given name Peter into England,the most vigorous and vivid of the twelve apostles and founder of the Church in Rome.The name was extremely popular throughout Cristian Europe in the Middle Ages,as it had been bestowed by Christ as a byname on the apostle Simon bar Jonah,the brother of Andrew.The meaning of the name Peter is stone or rock from the Greek 'petros',most likely a translation of the Aramaic 'kefa' rock.The name was chosen by Christ for its symbolic significance.St.Peter is regarded as the founding father of the Church in view of Christ's comment,"And I say unto thee that thou art Peter and on this stone I will build my Church."Mathew xvi.The name was popular with ecclesiastical dignitaries and people were quick to adopt it for their sons.The Spanish form of the name is Perez.The surname dates as far back as the thirteenth century were a John Peterson is recorded in historical archives;the given name however,dates in the Greek form to biblical times.The popularity of the surname Peterson in America is owed to English and Scandinavian immigrants.One of the first forefathers to bring this name to America is that of a Olaf Peterson,who emigrated from Sweden in 1658,he settled in New Jersey.Peterson is the forty-seventh most common name in America.

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Blasone della famiglia

Peterson Wappen von Deutschland


2. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Coat of arms of family Peterson from England


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