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Dossier: 665918
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Nobles
Nobili in:
France (Suisse - Dauphiné)
Variazioni Cognome:
Plant, Plantard
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica
(Plant, Plantard)


Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch

That the family has a very ancient origin does not create any suspicion. Place of origin of this family: Switzerland - Dauphiné. It is found at different times and in various localities. The name of this house is surely a patronymic, that is to say that it draws its origin from an ancestor who by virtue and honor left his name to his descent. Numerous memories and authentic writings represent the military exploits and the characters of this noble family. It would be superfluous to recall here all that has been written on the coat of arms, on the nobility and on the origin of the name of this family. We could not do better than to indicate to you the introduction of JB Rietstap at the head of his work "The General Armorial, which had the approval of all the competent persons in this matter. The family distinction represented here in the form of a coat of arms , survives through the centuries thanks to precious testimonies which have enabled us to relate the exploits and gestures of this noble family. Weapons of this family: Silver with a natural bear paw cut gules rising from dexter to Senestre Nobiliary titles of this family: rnf in 1721 (family of foreign origin having been recognized as noble in France).

Compra un Documento Araldico con il Tuo Stemma

(Plant, Plantard)

1. Stemma della famiglia:


Scarica stemma

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Blasone della famiglia

D'argent, à une patte d'ours de sable, posée en pal, coupée de gueules, montrant la plante du pied de carnation, les ongles en haut. Casque couronné. Cimier: la patte d'ours.

Citè dans "Armorial Général par J.B.Rietstap - Deuxième èdition refondue et augmentée - Tome I A-K" p. 448


2. Stemma della famiglia:
Planta, Plant, Plantard


Scarica stemma

Compra un Documento Araldico con il Tuo Stemma

Blasone della famiglia
Planta, Plant, Plantard

D'argent, à une patte d'ours au naturel, coupée de gueules, montante de dextre à senestre.


Ricerca Cognome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
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