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Dossier: 10823
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Signori
Nobili in:
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica


Italiano  English  Español  Portugûes  Deutsch

Started by GB di Crollalanza and continued afterwards by his son Goffredo, the yearbook of the Italian Nobility with the blasonic historical dictionary of Italian noble families makes mention of this illustrious family, originally from Piedmont. This lineage appears with great splendor among the Piedmontese nobility, the ancestors of whom, who had already come to Piedmont many centuries earlier, have, with their prepared reputation, descended their honored road, among the major dignities of the homeland. Frieze of the title of lords of Castelnuovo. Such are the principles, which the above mentioned Authors gave themselves to this family, but to be this fact very remote, and of very distant history, we therefore leave it to more erudite than sacred antiquities, and of history to invest its certain principle . What we certainly have, however, is that for their antiquity, and splendor, and for military virtue, the lays are so layman-like, ecclesiastical, and for each other, more noble than Cavalry, they can be seen, and they grew in a number in time, and they were so magnificent, and generous in the factories, and in building palaces, and villas for their habitat in the said City, which for this gave the name to an entire district, and road called hora della casa.

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