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Dossier: 600889
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Noble family - Knights - Lords
Nobili in:
England (England)
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica



The surname Sommer is of English origin. The surname signifies 'Summer's son'. It was a nickname or byname for someone of a warm or sunny disposition. This season-name has been used in personal nomenclature from a very early period. Several centuries earlier popular names for children were descriptive of the natural season in which the child was born, or even the state of the weather. It is variously derived from the Middle English, 'sum(m)er', the Old English 'somer'. It is, one might say, a rather cheerful name. The name may also be a assimilated variation of Sumner; an occupational name for an official who was responsible for ensuring the appearance of witnesses in court. It can also be an assimilated variation of Sumpter; an occupational name for a carrier, a driver of a pack animal, applied to the rider and horse. The Irish have also adopted the name as a translation of the Gaelic O'Samhraidh, 'descendant of Samhradh', a byname meaning Summer. The name dates as far back as the early twelfth century were a Geoffrey Sumer is recorded in historical archives. This name was brought to America predominately by English immigrants. One of the first fore fathers to bring this name to America is that of a John Summers, a blacksmith, who emigrated to America aboard the barque Peggy; he settled in Maryland. This name is the three-hundredth and seventy-ninth most common surname in America.

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1. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Vert a fesse dancetée erminie.

Blazon Summers from England


2. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Azure, a garbe or, senestré par a Sickle argent handled of the second, on a mount in base vert. Helmet crowned. Crest: Three ears of wheat or stalked and leaved or, each one with two ears, one hanging down. Lambrequin: or and azure.

Coat of arms of family Sommer in Livonia. Source: "Armorial Général par J.B.Rietstap - Deuxième èdition refondue et augmentée - Tome II L-Z" page 798.


3. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Per fesse; 1. gules, a sun in his glory, or; 2. vert. Crest: the sun in his glory. Lambrequin: dexter or and gules, sinister or and sinople.

Coat of arms of family Sommer in Wien. Source: "Armorial Général par J.B.Rietstap - Deuxième èdition refondue et augmentée - Tome II L-Z" page 798.


4. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

Azure, a fesse argent. Crest: two elephant's trunk as the shield.

Coat of arms of family Sommer in Danemark. Source: "Armorial Général par J.B.Rietstap - Deuxième èdition refondue et augmentée - Tome II L-Z" page 798.


Ricerca Cognome

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