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Crest of family Paracca Nobles: Italia
Nobility: Conti
Language of the text: Italiano

Crest of family

ref: 884729

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D'argento, al sinistrocherio di rosso, movente dal fianco sinistro, la mano di carnagione impugnante un albero di verde, sostenente da un monte di tre cime dello stesso, movente dalla punta, il tutto accompagnato in capo da un crescente rivolto d'argento a destra, e da una cometa d'oro a sinistra.

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Search Etymological origin of Italian surnames


Paracchi, extremely rare, seems to be from Milanese, Paracchi, absolutely rare, has stocks in the Como and Turin areas, Paracchini is typical of the area that includes Milan, Lecco, Como, Varese, Verbanese, Novara and Vercelli. , Paracchino is specific to Isola D'Asti and Asti in the Asti area, these surnames should derive from truncated or otherwise modified forms of the medieval name Paracinus in turn derived from the contraction of the medieval name Paravicinus or Palavicinus, traces of these surnames can be found in Carpugnino in the Verbanese in an act of 1783: "The year of the Lord 1783 and in the eleventh of November in Carpugnino in the hall of the usual consular congregations born Mr. Castellano Giuseppe Antonio Paracchini of this community, summoned and congregated by order of the infrascritto Mr. Mayor, the ordinary advice of this community ... ". additions suggested by Giacomo M.Paracchi The Paracchi are of Longobard origin, their surname derives from the same term aat bara (shield) which gave rise to the surname Parak in Germany and which was adapted latinizzare in parachus), were the Guelph lords of Oggiono in the Lecco area (Parchment of 1280 cited by Magistretti in the Archivio Storico Lombardo of 1898: hostility of the Capitanei of Oggiono towards the Abbot of Civate who was fiercely Ghibelline. Act Notary Guidollo Garimberti of 3 July 1407, in which Castellino de Parachis, son of He was Mastro Abbondio, he took part in an oath of loyalty to the Guelph cause together with some nobles of the Pieve d'Incino, the Parravicini, the Meroni, the Sormani, etc.). Cast out in 1373 from their castle, still existing (Castrum de Parachis), by the Duke of Milan Bernabò Visconti, those who took refuge in the Seprio giving rise to the Paracchini, who in the area of Erba. From where in the mid 1600s a Paracchi left for Bologna where the family made a fortune earning a noble coat of arms reported on the Canetoli Stemmario. Another Paracchi left

Bibliographic source "L'origine dei cognomi Italianim storia ed etimologia" di E. Rossoni disponibile online su: https://archive.org/

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