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Dossier: 622892
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Señores - Familia noble
Nobili in:
España (Portugal)
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica


Italiano  English  Portugûes  Deutsch

The origin of heraldry is lost in the night of time, at the time when warriors protected themselves from evil and demonstrated their aggressiveness by decorating their shields with protective symbols and marks. Later, the true Heraldry emerged, at the time of the Crusades, in which knights wore their coats of arms as a means of identifying themselves in battle, later becoming emblems of nobility. Heraldry thus originated in circles of the highest nobility, later spreading to other layers of society. The award of the coat of arms was therefore made to a certain individual with the right to perpetuate it in his lineage. Who was the main ancestor and propagating trunk of this illustrious lineage is ignored for its remote antiquity, being traditional and immemorial the nobility of their children, who have always and everywhere enjoyed the consideration and pre-eminence corresponding to their lustrous births, not being the most enlightened of its lines the one that took root and flourished in Portugal. According to studies carried out in archives and documents of cities, the writers affirm that the surname Ferreira has its origins in Castilla (Spain), but it is recorded for the first time in Portugal, having a solar house in Villa de Ferreira. The genealogists mention as propagators of this lineage an Alvaro Rodrígues Ferreira, rich man of Leao, who lived by 1170, Lord of Meilas, married and from this union Don Rodirigo Alvares Ferreira was born, who was Lord of the plot of Villa Ferreira and Head of the families of Don Fernando Alvares Ferreira, from this branch come the branch of the Ferreira de Portugal. One of the oldest gentlemen of whom there is memory is Ruy Pérez, great-grandson of Fernando Jeremías, who married Doña María Suárez and ordered the construction of the Ferreira Monastery. The

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1. Stemma della famiglia:


Scarica stemma

Compra un Documento Araldico con il Tuo Stemma

Blasone della famiglia

En gules, cuatro fajas de oro.

"Enciclopedia heráldica y genealógica Hispano-Americana". E/E, Rollo 9 A. y A. Garcia Carraffa.


Ricerca Cognome

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent
(Le parole volano, gli scritti rimangono)

Compra ora un documento araldico professionale

Un documento araldico è una Ricerca Araldica Professionale sul Cognome, consiste nel ricercare tutti i fatti, i luoghi, i possedimenti, le persone, i mestieri e le professioni, gli incarichi, i titoli nobiliari, i blasoni, gli stemmi gentilizi, gli atti, l'origine etc di un determinato cognome.
Ogni cognome ha una storia che merita di esser raccontata
Rendi immortale quella della tua famiglia

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(Deutsch, English, Español Français, Italiano, Português)

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  1. Le Traccia araldica sono dei dossier fatti da un programma A.I. utili quale punto di partenza per ricercatori ed appassionati araldisti e confermano che ci sono delle informazioni su cui lavorare ed è possibile ordinare un documento araldico.
  2. Le variazioni dei cognomi sono frequenti e derivano prevalentmente da atti involontari quali errori di traduzioni o inflessioni dialettali oppure da atti volontari quali tentativi di sfuggire a persecuzioni o acquisizione di titoli e proprietà di altre famiglie
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