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Dossier: 643384
Tipo: Anteprima araldica


Titoli: Señores - Familia noble
Nobili in:
España (Marchena (Jaén))
Lingua del testo: English

Anteprima araldica


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From the research carried out in the General Archive of the Compañía de Indias in Seville, we extract the following information: Anton Martin de M., a native of Marchena, single, son of Antón Gallego and Elvira González, was appointed Oidor by decree of the Royal Compañía de Indias in April 1577 and shipped to New Spain on June 5, 1578; in another file from the same file, he appears who resigned from his post fourteen years after occupying it, bought a farm and accumulated great fortune, died at the age of 69, the victim of strange fevers, bequeathed his property to the Dominicans and distributed the money to his three recognized children, so we assume that he was one of the initiators of this family saga in America. They are his weapons: In azure, two trees, of uprooted sinople, on waves of azure and silver. The study of the family heraldic shield "speaks" to us of those who formed the origin of the M. family, since that was their function, that of manifesting their differential elements to others, since the inclusion of the tree element (oak, pine, cypress) It means that the nobility of the family is ancient and is associated with kindness and perseverance, the supposed virtues of its components. The enamels of the M.'s weapon proclaim the following values: Azure corresponds to the symbol of water, of the continuity of life, it is a color of nobility, beauty, chastity and fidelity, in addition other virtues characterized the family, such as economic abundance, perseverance, luck, fame and the desire for victory.

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1. Stemma della famiglia:


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Blasone della famiglia

En azur, dos árboles, de sinople arrancados, sobre ondas de azur y plata.

Citado en "Catálogo de pasajeros a Indias siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Vol. VI M. del Carmen Galbis Díez Ministerio de Cultura Repertorio de blasones de la comunidad hispánica - letras M-N-Ñ-O-P-Q-R Vicente De Cadenas y Vicent Instituto Salazar y Castro".


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